Maangchi has a much deeper repository but you could make an I Am So Lucky People Can Not Hear What I Am Thinking Shirt gochujang mayo. That similar to shake shack for burgers, fries, and anything else that spicy mayo is good on. Alternatively, you can make Dukboki, chewy rice cakes in a spicy sweet and thick sauce. Amp it up with whatever you have in the fridge but the usual ideas are fish cakes, boiled eggs, and cheese! I usually throw in leftover hotpot meat, cabbage, and other hearty veggies. So I was super ambitious during the lockdown. I have kombu and dashi and the Korean version of dashi for soup bases. Nutritional yeast for one particular ramen noodle recipe I found, a sack of teff to make my own injera. Then wild rice because why not, couscous to go with the tajine I was going to make, and various bits and bobs for mole.
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This is probably going to get I Am So Lucky People Can Not Hear What I Am Thinking Shirt buried. But I stopped buying ingredients like this a long time ago to waste less money. I’ve talked about it on r/frugal. Buy from your bulk section whenever you can! Especially if you’re trying an ingredient you’re not sure you like yet. A jar of spices can be like $3-$6 but a little baggy of exactly what you need is mere pennies. You can do a lot of fun things with juniper berries! My favorite is to drop a dozen in a bottle of 94% alcohol, along with whatever other aromatics you’d like (cardamom, cinnamon, orange peel are some I use a lot) and you end up with your own bottle of safe bootleg gin! haha.
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