In the same way, you can usually trust I Am Cute Have Not You Seen My Great Grandma Shirt YMCAs (Young Men’s Christian Association) around the country. Just because it has the term “Christian” in it doesn’t mean it only helps out religious individuals. Even individuals of that specific religion. Christian Science Monitor either sounds like atheists keeping an eye on young-Earth creationists. Or young Earth creationists trying to “expose” the fraud they believe is evolution and big bang cosmology. I know it’s not really your point but the YMCA has rebranded to be just “The Y” to be more open. And less affiliated with a religion. So they actually set a good example of how a company could rebrand to get rid of those biases and connotations.
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Yeah, each branch seems to cling to values I Am Cute Have Not You Seen My Great Grandma Shirt differently. I remember when they dropped the ‘core values of Faith and Fun from my branch, but I know that some still hold onto those. In high school, my history teacher had us teach CSM as our weekly news to reflect on entirely because she wanted us to understand bias. Day 1 was breaking us down as she had us predict the slant of CSM. Which we of course all assumed to be religious and conservative. Huge eye-opener moment for me as a 17-year-old. The Pulitzer Prize is literally awarded by a board that is largely made up of journalists and academics. The act of getting a Pulitzer is the MSM talking about it.
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