Awesome Philadelphia Flyers Nurse Heart Stethoscope Heartbeat Shirt
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The girl’s problem is not the owners. Actually Awesome Philadelphia Flyers Nurse Heart Stethoscope Heartbeat Shirt kid is compounding the girl’s problem by giving her a false sense of security under the pretense that he has the authority to allow the girl to stay there. I think it is a rarity where OPs’ action is not of an asshole but he comes of as a massive asshole. Then uses bs reasoning to justify their actions. The people who are arguing that you are the asshole too clearly don’t know how fucked as a landlord you would be if these girls established tenancy. California is nuts like that. Also, fuck this girl he’s dating and her entitlement.
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That tells me that you were looking into paying board at some point. Awesome Philadelphia Flyers Nurse Heart Stethoscope Heartbeat Shirt created a mess by moving a typically irresponsible kid into an apartment too big for him. You should move him into the dorm which was the right move from the get-go, and if you were considering paying before, you should pay now. I moved in with my partner at 18. We’re still together nearly half a decade later. The difference is we both are in a rental and no such rules were forbidding us for doing so. However, I think it’s unfair to skip straight to eviction, you give easier ultimatums that don’t make you an entitled.
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Your son didn’t respect your rules – in fact, Awesome Philadelphia Flyers Nurse Heart Stethoscope Heartbeat Shirt blatantly and largely went against them, so he is in the wrong. But you’re also in the wrong for being so cold and callous against your own child. Both of you need help. Dad needs to take a close hard look at what he’s taught son about responsibility, working for goals, respect, and communication. There are major gaps in independent functional adult skills. I agree with everything you said. You gave him a luxury condo to live in for free, with a few incredibly reasonable conditions. He knew exactly what they were, and what would happen if he did not meet those conditions.
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