Seatbelts in any position in my car are a Warning This Family Contains Smartasses Proceed With Caution Shirt given. I’ve heard too many tales of people getting turned into meat crayons for me to say no to seatbelts as well. Accidents that might’ve been completely non-lethal had everyone been wearing seatbelts can easily become lethal. Because you didn’t get stopped from the seatbelt and were ejected with extreme force because you weren’t wearing one. Touch screen consoles in cars. Mazda now disables touch functionality in their vehicles. Because they found that when drivers interact with the touch screen they drive the vehicle to the right.
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Taking your eyes off the road to press 3 buttons in Warning This Family Contains Smartasses Proceed With Caution Shirt three different positions on the touch screen, with a latency each time you press a button because your seat heaters are literally burning your ass while trying to maintain control of the vehicle during freeway traffic is God damned dangerous. So a driving instructor once put it this way: If you’re on the highway, and you look away for three seconds. But you’ve driven the length of an American football field without looking at the road.
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