You forgot the Grateful Hunde Und Prerde Menschen Horse Shirt most hardcore country, Vietnam. Great cheat sheet, remembering these is annoying AF. I’m surprised no one else is talking about the title. I had to search and make sure La Fghonce wasn’t some new musician or influencer or something. Me after too many calvadoses in Paris’s nightclub. So Russia and China the US is an FMF threesome? Can you ask the linguist about what noun class even means? What a great way to refer to it, that also actually makes a lot more sense in my head in terms of how I think about them and their differences – and fits better with general language learning terminology.
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Because it sounds more like other Grateful Hunde Und Prerde Menschen Horse Shirt language learning terms, eg conjugations, tenses, etc, more like scientific almost I guess? Some people even consider it sexist in the first place because many cool things tend to be masculine. And when it’s plural, the masculine always takes the lead. Absolute Madrid here! Latin-based languages are cool, that why they are based. My thoughts exactly. “Gender” has a lot of social baggage now (maybe it didn’t when they first started using that word?) and being a little more, I guess, “clinical” about it gets the point across much better.
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