McConnell looks like Good Do Not Mess With My Mom She Has Wisdom Higlights Weimaraner Shirt old Michael Cera and I can’t unsee it. Don’t put that evil on Cera. So predictable. They’re also going to start calling themselves the party of morals again sooner or later. Setting the narrative of people. This is going to be their talking point when Biden takes office and can undo their damage fast enough. Sure as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, when there is a Republican in the White House, the GOP is all about borrow and spend, deficits don’t matter, supply-side economics, but put a Democrat there, and suddenly its deficits!
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Deficits! The sky is falling, the Good Do Not Mess With My Mom She Has Wisdom Higlights Weimaraner Shirt sky is falling. They haven’t said or done anything ever since they lined their pockets more and let an idiot loose in the WH. If when the Senate flips, just watch these asshats cry about fairness and the rule of law conveniently forgetting their gross dereliction of duty. Cowards and criminals. Every sitting GOP member. What the Republican congress has done these 4 years is basically criminal. I sure the hell hope Biden arrests the lot of them and tosses away the key. Like absolute clockwork.
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